For over a century, the gifford lecture series has featured the most prestigious. The gifford lectures the school of divinity, history and. Lectures to promote and diffuse the study of natural theology in the widest sense of the termin other words, the knowledge of god. And indeed, as latour argues, wreckage caused by humans has been great.
Nt wright the gifford lecturesheld regularly at the four ancient scottish universities of edinburgh, glasgow, st. Adam lord gifford established the gifford lectures in his will in order to promote and diffuse the study of natural theology in the widest sense of the term in other words, the knowledge of god. Contemporary french philosophy is laying fresh claim to the human. Professor jeffrey stout will give the first of his six gifford lectures this upcoming monday, 1 may.
Rosamond gifford lecture series onondaga county public. Six lectures on the political theology of nature, gifford lectures, edinburgh, february 28, 20. The rosamond gifford lecture series is the largest libraryrelated lecture series in the country. Latours gifford lectures text now available as pdf progressive. Bruno latour gaia gifford six lectures 1 free download as pdf file. Andrews were established under the will of adam lord gifford 18201887, a senator of the college of justice. He gives the following overview of the entirety of his. Gifford lectures 20 facing gaia a new inquiry into natural religion a series of six lectures by bruno latour professor at sciences po, paris 18 february to 28 february 20 at 5.
Latour is referring to the comedic play written in 1670 by moliere, le bourgeois gentilhomme, or the wouldbe noble. In addition to work in philosophy, history, sociology and anthropology of science, he has collaborated on many studies in science policy and research. In the 2012 gifford lectures, sarah coakley seeks to listen to contemporary mathematical and empirical reconsiderations of cooperation and sacrifice in evolutionary biology. They are held annually at the four ancient scottish universities, edinburgh, glasgow, aberdeen and st. For over a century, the gifford lectures have enabled a distinguished international field of scholars to contribute to the advancement of theological and philosophical thought. In his definition aesthetics is understood as something we are being able to perceive and to be concerned. The teleological argument in the gifford lectures by cranston, mildred welch, 1898.
The gifford lecturs are an annual series o lecturs that war established bi the will o adam laird gifford deed 1887. Latour mentions climate change, the channelization of rivers, erosion, mass extinction, deforestation, and the acidification of the oceans, among others. Stouts lectures promise to be of timely interest for those concerned to reflect on the relationship between religion and injustice. These links seem to be dead, but the pdf of the lectures can be found here. Those six lectures in natural religion explore what it could mean to live at the epoch of the anthropocene when what was until now a mere decor for human history is becoming the. Latours gifford lectures text now available as pdf. In a recorded conversation for ethnos at the university of aarhus in october, 2014, the participants collectively generated the name plantationocene for the devastating transformation of diverse kinds of humantended farms, pastures, and forests into extractive and enclosed plantations, relying on slave labor and other forms of exploited, alienated, and usually spatially transported labor. In my response to bruno latours lecture on gaining the holberg prize, gaia.
Notes, bibliographies will appear later in the draft of the published version. Other readers will always be interested in your opinion of the books youve read. Bruno latour 20152021is a french philosopher, anthropologist, and sociologist, who is especially known for his work in science and technology studies and considered a central figure in contemporary discourse. The gifford lectures are internationally renowned for their contributions to the advancement of theological and philosophical thought.
A prestigious series of lectures on natural theology, unique to the ancient universities of scotland, established by the late lord gifford of scotland. Through a series of independent, simultaneous initiatives, arising in the writing of diverse current french thinkers, the figured of the human is being transformed and reworked. Latour, bruno, emilie hermant, and susanna shannon. Indeed, his writings chart the course of this newly emergent discipline. In 2012 the gifford lectures also supported a oneoff joint lecture between the royal society of edinburgh and the university of edinburgh school of informatics, jim alkhalili alan turing. The pasteurization of france, politics of nature, and the recently published an inquiry into modes of existence, as his conception of politics evolves from a global power struggle between. Eight lectures on the new climatic regime polity, 2017. The draft text of the lectures is available here pdf, but the published. The gifford lectureships held at the universities of edinburgh, glasgow, aberdeen and st. Being the gifford lectures on natural religion edinburgh, 18th28th of february 20 adam lowe factum arte model for terra firma only for discussion with the author, not for quotation version 103.
Facing gaia, six lectures on the political theology of nature. Select gifford lectures delivered at edinburgh 19 vols. This was a final workshop, convened by latour s project, an inquiry into modes of existence, which was not only a book, but a website that was an experiment in interactive metaphysics that had been going on for four years. Une nomination aux gifford lectures constitue lun des honneurs les plus prestigieux dans le milieu universitaire ecossais. The plays title is oxymoronic because it would have been. The lectures are now available as a book details here. Bruno latours recent feb,20 gifford lectures at the university of. In a lecture delivered in 1997 bruno latour identified the things that do not work. Bruno latour the anthropocene and the destruction of the image of the globe the gifford lectures. Bruno latour has made the text of his gifford lectures available as a pdf on his site.
Thus, in his 1885 will, he bequeathed funds to four scottish universitiesedinburgh, aberdeen, glasgow, and st. Nov 01, 2019 for over a century, the gifford lectures have enabled a distinguished international field of scholars to contribute to the advancement of theological and philosophical thought. Dec 18, 2014 the face of god, the book form of roger scrutons gifford lectures, is the first of a twopart collection of lectures turned into books that tie together the english philosophers assessment and challenge of the modern world the other being the soul of the world. Andrews and aberdeenwere established under the will of adam lord gifford, a senator of the college of justice, who died in 1887. Bruno latour a shift in agency with apologies to david hume the gifford lectures. Anthropocene, capitalocene, plantationocene, chthulucene.
Bruno latour 1947 is a french anthropologist and sociologist of science. The text of the play and most of my own articles cited in this book are. In this series of lectures on natural religion, bruno latour argues that the complex and ambiguous figure of gaia offers, on the contrary, an ideal way to disentangle the ethical, political, theological, and scientific aspects of the now obsolete notion of nature. At the end of july 2014 there was a weeklong workshop held at the ecole des mines in paris, bruno latour s former workplace. Apr 07, 2020 the prestigious gifford lectures have been delivered annually since 1888 by a succession of distinguished international scholars. Bruno latour has given the gifford lectures in edinburgh in. May 12, 2017 the 2017 gifford lectures are less than a week away. Latours work has informed current interest in posthumanism and new materialism and is a catalyst for new. Whether youve loved the book or not, if you give your honest and detailed thoughts then people will find new books that are right for them. Notes, bibliographies will appear later in the draft of. Our lectures have enriched the central new york community by presenting some of the best literary talent of our time to entertain, delight and inform our audience. Scottish judge adam gifford believed that the active knowledge of god engenders humanitys wellbeing. Composing the common world through arts and politics.
Latour s gifford lectures text now available as pdf. Hesiods theogony recounts the genesis of gaia as the earth. How better to register the agency of things tanner lectures, yale given at yale university, 26th and 27th of march 2014 to be published in a volume of tanner lectures tanner one semiotic i have to make a confession. Andrewsfor the establishment of a lecture series dealing with the topic of natural theology. Bruno latour offers an extended reworking of his 20 gifford lectures. Bruno latour argues that the complex and ambiguous figure of gaia offers, on the contrary, an ideal way to disentangle the ethical, political, theological, and scientific aspects of the now obsolete notion of nature. May 10, 2012 the face of god, the book form of roger scrutons gifford lectures, is the first of a twopart collection of lectures turned into books that tie together the english philosophers assessment and challenge of the modern world the other being the soul of the world. Mar 02, 20 bruno latour has given the six gifford lectures on natural religion for 20, under the title. Bruno latour has made the text of his gifford lectures available as a pdf on his site facing gaia. Along with latours most important articles on political themes, the book chooses three works as exemplary of the distinct periods in latours thinking. Facing gaia is a reworking of latours 20 gifford lectures. He is especially known for his work in the field of science and technology studies sts.
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